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French artisan breads - served all day
"The French baguette should be listed as a UNESCO intangible cultural treasure"
President Emmanuel Macron
The Maltese possess a love for bread, it features in almost every dish.
We are proud to offer you the envy of the whole world!
The fluffiest, crispiest French baguette made by the French President Award winner Le Grenier a Pain.
We offer you the seductive, traditional baguette, baguette aux cereales, made from a mixture of six seeds, baguette sesame and other earthy aromatic breads.
Look like a French - bite the end of your baguette on the way home from the bakery, it's called Le quignon, the heel.
You're biting into the history of the Hexagon - enjoy!

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your french bread
Baguette Campagnard
Tradition French Flour Baguette with a crispy golden crust
Baguette Flute
A longer Tradition French Flour Baguette with a crispy golden crust
Baguette Sesame
French Sesame Seeds Baguette with notes of almond and hazelnuts
Baguette Sarments
A floured crust, more tanned and a firmer French Baguette
Baguette Aux Pavots
A crispy French Baguette with notes of hazelnuts and pine nuts sprinkled with poppy seeds
Sourdough Bread
A slow cooking bread with a caramelized crust
Pain de Seigle
A rustic rye bread recommended for its natural qualities
Pain Hasting
Dotted loaf with oatmeal, wheat flour, rye and barley with seeds of soya, sunflower sesame
and brown and yellow flux
Pain Cereals
French Baguette made from a mixture of six seeds ideal for breakfast
Petite Pains
Mini format of all breads
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